Alison Fopeano

Jan 22, 2021

Newborn Sessions • Cincinnati, Ohio

Like so many things, newborn sessions look different these days, in our post-Covid world. While previously the majority of my newborn sessions took place within the first two weeks after a baby’s arrival (or even in the first 48-hours for those who opted for hospital sessions), now many of my clients are understandably choosing to wait until two months or longer to have that first session (if they have one at all). I thought this week I’d take a minute to share a) my tips for taking your own newborn photos at home, b) my safety policies for taking in-home sessions for newborns, and c) highlights from some of my favorite newborn sessions from the past year or two.

If you are choosing to wait before having professional newborn photos taken, please don’t let that stop you from taking some portraits on your own at home! You’ll always love having those images from when they were teeny tiny, even if they are only taken on your phone. Here are my top tips to get the best possible images on your own:

  1. Set up in an area with abundant natural light, for example: on any soft surface (couch, bed, ottoman, etc.) across from a window. Bonus points if the room you are in has light/neutral colored walls to help bounce that light!

  2. Make your home warmer than usual - in the summer, turn off the AC if you can bear it for a few minutes, and in the winter, crank up that heat. If you’re feeling overheated... your baby probably loves it and will sleep more soundly during your photos (sleepy babies = easier to pose and photograph!)

  3. Lay your baby on their side, with their legs/feet angled slightly away from you - this will help you make sure that you don’t have an unflattering up-the-nose angle in your photos :)

If you’re feeling ready to have a photographer in your home for photos, here are the safety policies I consider for all indoor sessions, but especially for newborn sessions:

  1. I will wear a face covering at all times.

  2. I will thoroughly wash and sanitize my hands both before I leave my home for your session and again immediately upon arrival. I bring sanitizer with me and use abundantly.

  3. I maintain social distance, and will coach you through positioning your baby when needed (rather than doing so myself - it’s tough to resist the urge to cuddle your babies, but I know it’s for the best!)

  4. In contrast to timing suggestions pre-Covid, I now recommend waiting until two weeks after you come home from the hospital, at earliest. This gives you time to isolate and self-quarantine as a family after your hospital stay.

  5. As with all sessions indoor or out, if I (or anyone in my immediate family) present symptoms or come in contact with someone who has tested positive, I will notify you immediately to reschedule, and ask that you do the same.

If you have any questions about either taking your own newborn photos at home, or scheduling a professional session with me, please be in touch! I’d love to talk with you.